10 Years of LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series 2014 – 2023 Compilation/Collection Speed Build
Here is an overview of all LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series sets released March 2014 – May 2023. This Video is for all afol/Lego collectors out there. Any of these sets can be a great addition to any LEGO Collection. In this compilation you will find 15 sets assembled in speed build method. So far all of this sets are part of my afol collection. I hope you enjoy watching!
This video has the following sets:
0:00:00 75059: Sandcrawler
0:26:16 75060: Slave I
0:44:36 75095: TIE Fighter
0:56:17 75098: Assault on Hoth
1:21:08 75159: Death Star
2:03:27 75144: Snowspeeder
2:19:53 75192: Millennium Falcon
3:17:31 75181: Y-wing Starfighter
3:33:43 75252: Imperial Star Destroyer
4:15:22 75275: A-wing Starfighter
4:31:06 75309: Republic Gunship
5:04:18 75313: AT-AT
5:57:25 75341: Luke Skywalker’s Landspeeder
6:22:20 75331: The Razor Crest
7:20:02 75355: X-wing Starfighter
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The Song of the Intro is from
Nerd School – Do I have a Witness
thanks for permission to use it!
Here you find the complete song : https://youtu.be/DAYAZ71OMEg
Check out Nerd School: https://youtu.be/mzNNnEwVYiE
℗ 2012 POTTpeople : https://pottpeople.ruhr
Distributed by Zebralution GmbH
The other music in this Video is paid! You can find it here* : https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/51u42k
The links marked with * are affiliate links. The offers on this pages do not come from me, but I get through the link a commission when a purchase takes place! There are no costs for you! You only support this channel! Many Thanks! 🙂
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