New sets revealed for March! Lego Friends, DOTS, Disney….

New sets revealed for March! Lego Friends, DOTS, Disney....

I’m a bit late, but Lego has put up their March releases on the site and I’m super excited to check out the images. A second wave of Lego Friends, a couple of new Disney sets and a whole load of DOTS. So much fun a-comin’…..

If you’ve just dropped by, I’m Ellie! Lego is an artistic medium and no matter your building expertise there is something here for everyone. Stick around and I’ll build for you while I review new sets and create my own customs (MOCs). I tend to geek out about new pieces, get excited about learning new and interesting building techniques, giggle too much and just generally ramble. I’m easily distracted so things can get a bit hectic, but I’m sure you’re down for that.

And don’t forget that you can also get an ellieV t-shirt and other stuff from here!

Custom Lego builds
Lego minidoll repaints
Too Much single colour build challenge

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