I Built 100 YouTubers in LEGO

I Built 100 YouTubers in LEGO

I built 100 different YouTubers in Lego to prove we need YouTuber Lego sets. I also built @MrBeast’s Squid Game in Lego…

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Tag @ryan so we can build him the world’s largest Lego penny πŸ™‚

Subscribe so we can pass @MatthewBeem in subs πŸ™‚ Pls

I built YouTubers like @MarkRober, @airrack, @dream, @TDBRICKS, @zealous, @isaiahphoto, @howridiculous, @dudeperfect, @prestongoes, @KreekCraft, @DanielKrafft, @DannoDraws, @JonnyRaZeR, @sticksfilms, @yikes., @TommyInnit, @UnnecessaryInventions and so many more…