Transformers LEGACY United Beast Wars Magmatron Commander Class Dinosaur Combiner Unboxing Review

Transformers LEGACY United Beast Wars Magmatron Commander Class Dinosaur Combiner Unboxing Review

Transformers LEGACY United Beast Wars Magmatron Dinosaur Combiner Review! Dan Celebrating 40 Years of Transformers with a Predacon of Tyrannosaurus, Plesiosaurus, and Pterodactyl combiner! Check out Beast Wars Neo Magmatron a combiner of Seasaurus + Skysaurus + Landsaurus! 3 Dinosaurs that Transform into the mighty Magmatron the Emperor of Destruction! Also an Alternate mode of Magmasaurus! Great for both Transformers Beast Wars fans, Dinosaur Fans, and Combining Dinosaurs to Robot Fans! Can Dan figure out all the stages of Transforming Dinosaurs, or will Magmatron Destroy all Monsters?

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