Easy Way to Explore Bugs In Your Backyard!

Easy Way to Explore Bugs In Your Backyard!

Curious kids can explore backyard bugs with this no-contact Nature Bound Bug Vacuum toy! Let us tell you how this bug catcher vacuum works! Press the button to start the suction and turn on green night vision lights. The bug you’re trying to catch will go through the nose cone and into the capture core, where kids can observe their catch through the magnifying lens. There’s even an extension tube to catch hard-to-reach bugs. With this bug vacuum catcher, kids don’t have to touch bugs to observe them. This insect vacuum offers no-contact play, getting kids active outside and learning about the world around them. Check out this STEM toy in action in our video review: https://ttpm.com/products/nature-bound-bug-vacuum/

Buy the Nature Bound Bug Vacuum here!
Walmart: https://goto.walmart.com/c/83935/565706/9383?veh=aff&sourceid=imp_000011112222333344&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fip%2FNature-Bound-Bug-Vacuum-Catcher-Kit-Patented-Design-with-LED-Lights-Extension-Tube-Magnifying-Door-for-Kids%2F5314292348%3FadsRedirect%3Dtrue

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vRFRFy

#bugvacuum #naturebound #bugs

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Disclosure: Toys reviewed by TTPM are selected by the TTPM editorial team from submissions from manufacturers who provide the samples for review consideration. The views and opinions presented represent those of TTPM and the reviewers. We do not accept any compensation for our reviews, and we do not review all products submitted. To submit a product for review consideration, contact us at product-reviews@ttpm.com.