Funko Holiday Card Games from Funko | Frosty the Snowman, Elf, Gremlins, and A Christmas Story

Funko Holiday Card Games from Funko | Frosty the Snowman, Elf, Gremlins, and A Christmas Story

About the Funko Holiday Card Games

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Gremlins – Holiday Havoc! Christmas Card Game

The Gremlins have gone from cute Christmas-gift family pets to mini-monsters causing havoc around town, and you must stop them! Flip over cards to expose preferred creatures from the traditional film. If you see a match, attack quick to score. Beware, other players are on the prowl. And whatever you do, do not get them wet or your opportunity of losing multiplies!

Funko Elf– Snowball Showdown Card Game

Join Buddy the Elf in a surprise snowball fight! “Throw” a set of like-colored snowball cards at another player and they can return fire! Roll the jumbo snowball dice to dodge the icy barrage when you’re the target. When you get hit, take a snowball “splat” card– three hits and you’re out. In this frigid battle, the last fairy standing wins!

Christmas Story – A Major Card Game

Help Ralphie Parker get the BB gun and decoder ring he longs for at Christmastime! Peek at present cards, “triple-dog-dare” other gamers to make dangerous trades, and beware of the bullies who are lurking in the deck. If you have the infamous “leg light” you can swipe another gamer’s card, but act quick since you might not have the valued belongings long. It’s a lively video game of “take that” and family laughs in the nick of time for the holidays!

Frosty The Snowman– Follow The Leader – Christmas Card Game

Frosty the Snowman is on his method to the chilly North Pole and you can march along! In this cooperative card video game, move Frosty’s pals forward and backward to switch their places in the parade. Get the kids in the best order and you win!

Who the Funko Holiday Card Games is best for

This game is best for families with kids.  Each game is simple to learn and provides a great way to have fun without additional screen time.  The variety of games will keep kids engaged.  Each game is pretty simple, so it would be best for younger kids.  This is even better if you watch the movies and then play!

The Cons of Buying Funko Holiday Card Games

There aren’t really any cons to the games.  Kids and adults will love them, but they are simple, so kids and adults may lose interest over time.  Some of the references in the cards may not make sense if you haven’t seen the movies.

Honest Reviews of Funko Holiday Card Games

Customers who bought this had a great time play it with their families.  They said the games were hilarious and it was even better if you had watched the movies.

Gremlins Holiday Havoc - Funko Holiday Card Games

Where Can I Buy Funko Holiday Card Games

You can buy these games on Amazon or directly from Funko.


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