Garten of BanBan Action Figures Series 1 Nabnab & Jumbo Josh Review

Garten of BanBan Action Figures Series 1 Nabnab & Jumbo Josh Review

Garten of BanBan Action Figures Series 1 Nabnab & Jumbo Josh Review. Dan is back with another creepy session of Garten of Banban talk, probably best if you are 13+, for collecting the Nabnab! Series 1 Action figures of Garden of Banban from PhatMojo slowly finding their way onto the table, with Banban, Jumbo Josh and Nabnab. Each 5″ figure, sculpted to match The Garten of Banban gameplay, sporting articulation at various point of movement, and with Teeth that are either rounded or terrifyingly sharp! These 3 available on cards, whiles Blue Jumbo Josh found in the Large Banban head party bundle!

Also Garten of Banban Plush characters, Banban, Jumbo Josh and Nabnab to match to the figures! In some ways WAY easier to find the Plush characters!

If you are big into Gaming with the Garten of Banban, and need some figures for your Gaming Room, look for these around and super hard to find so far, Summer, but probably more like Fall 2024!

#gartenofbanban #banban #nabnab #squirrelstampede