Inside Out 2 All Collectible Mini Figures Mystery Unboxing Codes!

Inside Out 2 All Collectible Mini Figures Mystery Unboxing Codes!

Inside Out 2 All Collectible Mini Figures Mystery Unboxing Codes! Dan at Squirrel Stampede seeks out more Mini Figures for Inside Out 2, this time locating the full collection pack! Look for Collectible Mini Figure Boxes, with 12 Characters/Emotions from Inside out 2 to find! Look for new Emotions Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy, Ennui, and more! Located Riley’s Vault to find characters like Bloofy, Lance, and the RARE Deep Dark Secret figure! Dan goes through the codes on the boxes, and shares his numbers (also cross references with other shelf box to verify). So If you see an Emotion you like, try looking them up with the shared number patterns. Fill up your Inside Out 2 Collection with a full head of Emotions and Characters in Mini Figures style! Find them around town, (try Target and Walmart) to discover these Inside Out 2 Collectible Mini Figures!

#insideout2 #pixar #squirrelstampede