Mr Beast LAB Mutators Gold & Silver Panther Mutation Chamber Review! On the Table today, Dan checks out the Next Experiment from Mr Beast LAB and Moose, the Mutators! Each Chamber, Gold, Silver, Iconic, and Stealth, walks you through an interesting process of Mutating, and Revealing a MR Beast Panther Collectable Action Figure! Follow the various LEVELS of procedures, to create an Action Figure with multiple points of articulations! Collect and Mutate 4 Available Panther Styles! Use Mutation Chamber as a fancy Display home for your Beast Panther! A great addition to the Mr Beast Lab Swarms and other fun Beast LAB creations! Find them around town now and then, Fall 2024!
#mrbeastlab #mrbeastlabmutators #mrbeastlabswarms #squirrelstampede