Pokemon MEGA Builds Series 18 Fuecoco Quaxly & Sprigatito Review

Pokemon MEGA Builds Series 18 Fuecoco Quaxly & Sprigatito Review

Pokemon MEGA Builds Series 18 Fuecoco Quaxly & Sprigatito Review! Dan at Squirrel Stampede checks out and builds the next new series of Poke Ball Sets from MEGA, Series 18! Construct the new Scarlet and Violet Starter Pokemon, Fuecoco Quaxly & Sprigatito, as well as Skwovet, Chewtle, and Morpeko! Each build comes in a styled Poke ball display case, build instructions, and interesting poke pieces! Continue the long standing Pokemon collection from MEGA, that provides a huge world of Pokemon characters! Find the new MEGA Pokemon Series 18, this Fall and Winter 2023!

#megapokemon #squirrelstampede

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